By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. – John 13:35 KJVS

По сьому знати муть усї, що ви мої ученики, коли любов мати мете один до одного. – Йоан 13:35

History seems to be repeating itself in the tragic events we see unfolding in Ukraine. As war devastates this eastern European nation, our hearts are stirred by the sight of destroyed houses and cities, lost lives, and millions of people forced out of their homes. Many who remain in their villages are left without the necessities of life, food, water, and clothing.

One hundred years ago, in 1922, the Messenger of Truth called on members of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite to donate money to the humanitarian cause in Ukraine and once again we make the same plea to our brothers and sisters. Help the suffering people of Ukraine!

If you would like to help but aren’t sure how, simply click on the link below to donate to a 501c3 nonprofit fund administered by a group of former missionaries to Ukraine in cooperation with Christian Service International (CSI) and the General Mission Board. If you prefer to donate by mailing a check, you may do so using the information provided on our Contact Us page.

The money goes to a variety of approved organizations and individuals helping distribute humanitarian aid in several regions of Ukraine. With your assistance, we can supply food, money, fuel, and vehicles to groups that directly assist people within the conflict zones and those who have fled.

Select “CLICK HERE TO DONATE” to contribute or select “CLOUDVEIL MESSENGER CHANNEL” to automatically receive updates on your Cloudveil Messenger/Telegram app.

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